Art therapy is an incredibly basic, yet effective way to calm your emotions and thoughts. Just start drawing and painting. There are certain types of art therapy that can address certain feelings and needs. Give them a try!
When you're tired, draw flowers. Drawing flowers helps reenergize your mind and clear brain fog.
When you're angry, draw lines. Curved lines, straight lines, whatever lines you like.
When you're in pain, build a model or do a puzzle to help distract your mind.
21 Emotions Art Therapy Can Help With

When you're bored, try coloring.
When you're sad, paint a rainbow.
When you're scared, knit something to make you feel secure.
If you're worried, make a doll.
If you're feeling indignant, tear up pieces of paper and arrange them into patterns.
If you're anxious, try folding some origami.
When you're tense, draw patterns.
If you're feeling nostalgic, draw a maze.
When you're disappointed, copy a portrait or painting.
If you're confused, draw a mandala.
If you're feeling despair, draw your way out of it.
If you need strength, paint a beautiful landscape.
If you can't feel your feelings, draw a self portrait.
If you need to remember this moment, draw colored patterns.
If your mind is a mess, draw squares or honeycombs.
If you need to make a good choice, draw waves and circles.
If you're in a rut, draw some spirals.
When you need to reach a goal, draw a target.
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