I really tried a few times to write something, because a lot is happening this days!
But it is very difficult to write about it, because everybody is thinking a lot of things!
What I did not like this days:
That all people changed their profile picture into the flag of Paris!
I'm sorry, but why?
Yes we should show respect and our empathy for the victims of Paris!
But the flag? I mean really entire FB!
So than people said where is the flag of Syria, or the Ukraine?
I mean war is going on the whole time!
Please don't forget those victims!
People than realized O yes!
War is going on the day human kind set foot on this earth too bad :(!
This makes me very sad and depressed!
Because it is very difficult to keep your head above water and being happy with all the shit that is happening in the world!
I'm a thinker!
And yes I admit when people ask me when you're going to have children, I think in this world? please!
I had a period that I thought why am I alive?
But then I realized, if we start thinking like that we will let the bad guys win!
And good should survive and not the bad!
So I read other comments on internet and yes remember the people in Paris and yes come outside, don't let the fear take over!
And please remember also the other people who suffer in the world, not only in a country close to yours!
For the ones who believe, we are all children of God!
For the ones who don't, we are all human beings!
We deserve a healthy, happy, safe life!
And the reaction of the politicians isn't always so good!
I mean for the believers NO RELIGION is OKAY with WAR!
Jezus preached LOVE, PEACE!
When His tortures tortured Him, He forgave him! He said : Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing!
So please where is the war there? Nobody of the Bible fought, only the kings and politicians, but they think that is okay, but it isn't!
I even asked my husband, would you really kill someone?
I have respect for soldiers and policemen, but why do they have to kill too? I know it is out of protection, but still I had killing people, even the bad guys :'(!
That is why I'm studying nursing school, I want to help people, take care of people, not kill them!
Please stop killing each other, because even if you kill for peace, you use the same means as the bad guys to kill too!
A weapon is a weapon, there is no good reason to use it!
You are the same if you kill to protect you or your country!
But we can argue about it a lot and long time, that is what our politicians do!
I'm so sorry for everybody who is in war, and I'm so sorry for everybody who lives in a country where there is no freedom, safety, peace!
I wish I could do more for you!
I donated to the red cross, please donate!
I always give clothes away!
One day I hope I can do more!
And I really didn't like that people were accusing the refugees!
(I'm a refugee too, so this hurts me personal, but you can read my story in the other blog messages)
As I read a comment, they are running from the bad people too!
And off course the bad guys will use the refugees as the Trojan horse!
That was so predictable !
Politicians always play dumb, off course they could one day expect a hit back!
When you meddle in other countries problems, and yes they try to bring peace there or so they make us think that!
But it is not always the right approach!
But is impossible to negotiate with terrorists!
I really hope this will end!
Because with all this happening, it doesn't look that people learn from history!
We just make new bad history!
But we have to try to stay positive!
And go on with our lives!
I know if something bad happened to me God forbid, I hope my sisters and everybody goes on and lives a happy life, think sometimes about me, but don't live in fear!
And the Media isn't making it any easier !
So much fear is thanks to them!
But it is their job!
But we have to realize that every day can be the last day!
You can have a car accident, any kind of accident every single day!
So you should be thankful for every day and live it like it is your last day!
Love the people around you and spend time with them!
To the things that you love!
Live by your values, so mindfulness is the key and answer even in this difficult time!
I will start in januari with the Mindfulness course in Mortsel, Antwerp! You can find it on
act academie Mortsel !
And I realized that it really helps me!
Since July I realized I was so dark thinking about everything in the world, and I still grieve for all the wars and pain in the world, but it is better to take some action, even if it is small and live by your values!
Than it is so much easier!
So enjoy our lives, and be thankful that you're alive, and spend it with people and things you love!!
Make love, not war!!