Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Long time no see..

It has been a while, since I wrote.

My blog
I did not forget about my blog!
It is cruel to say that I did not have time to write!
I just had a lot on my mind and was not ready to write about it!

It is even hard to share it with you all.
It is nothing bad, but some choices I had to make in life!
So who wants to know, will know, or can also contact me in PM.

In the meanwhile 
What I have been done?
The exams are done.
They were harder than expected.
The whole group sufferd a failure, but hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
So we will not give up on nursing school!
The go-getters will survive!
And we still love doing it, but some people just underestimate nursing school :)!

Our home
Our new house is so nice!
We love being here!

January was a difficult month, I lost some hours from my job, so you know what that means financially!

So you can say I had a lot on my mind!

But I read a lot of things, and started my act/mindfulness group course!
ACT means acceptance and commitment therapy!
It is very interesting and you notice that we all have problems!
So I like the people there but we have swore an oath of secrecy!
All I can say, if you need some inspiration: read books about it and go to a course.
You will so get to know yourself and face your fears, and make big decisions as I'm doing now!

Toxic people
I read a book about toxic people and how to deal with them!
Such a good book!

Some tips!
1)Breath breath breath when people annoy you!
2) If they joke or bully you, you could joke back, or say something embarrassing about them!
3) You can tell them straight on what is bothering you!
4) You can ask calming questions to drive them into a corner, so they can not go anywhere and have to explain themselves, what is embarrassing for them! Especially with liars!
5) You can make up stories about them how you would strangle them, without really doing it, but just relieving the anger, the fantasy story hehe!
6) You can tell your mind to stop thinking about them! Stop it!
7) UNPLUG! Get rid of them out of your live! THE HARDEST ONE! But sometimes there is no other choice!

Just buy and read

It is really a good book!

Yes I have some toxic people in my live, I have tried everything to deal with them! Now I chose to unplug some people out of my life, especially the liars and pessimists! I can't take that anymore hehe!

So yes, Mindfulness/ACT is learning how to get rid of the demons inside your head, who are telling you bad things about yourself!
The toxic book is learning you how to get rid of people who are the demons in your life and head too!

So this is further my journey to a happy life, It can't be happy everyday, but it can be happier without some people and some thoughts!

Also a good site is they also talk about a happy life and have some inspiring quotes!
I read them every day!

The rest of the time I'm trying to live by my values!

Colorectal cancer
I went to a congress about colon cancer! It is really important that people test themselves at age of 50! And earlier the ones who have it in the family! Here is a site in Dutch you can also read it in French!
English I don't know, but if you need more information tell me! I will translate it for you!

I went with Marko to Berlin, was such a beautiful experience and city!
We loved it!
We love to travel so!
In a next post I wil write some tips!
This is a blog about Berlin, you should visit it
It helped us really!

5 years with Marko
I wrote a nice blog about us, but Marko found it to intimate so I didn't post it, but we loved it and smiled about our nice memories! Hehe! I keep it in my diary!
Some memories I can share!
We met in Fazana, Croatia!
We love to travel!
We love to watch movies together, action movies.
We love our house hehe!
We had a rough time, he adapting in Belgium, I adapting to being a married woman.
But we support each other every day!
I love that he is a optimist! He loves everything in life, even chores at home hehe!
He supports me in everything I do, he loves that I studie and will make my office in the house!
I already bought some decoration:

My heart is grey hehe but it looks like this, I'm to lazy to take a picture!
And an other one
So nice no?
It reminds me every day to enjoy life!
I love my husband, and my life, my sisters!

We had a nice breakfast together the weekend before our date, and on that day 16/2/2016 we had a nice dinner at home! HOME SWEET HOME hehe!

Nursing auxiliary
And yes because I have lost some hours at my work due to students changing courses, I registered at an interim office as a health care assistant or nursing auxiliary (you help professional staff to look after patients in hospitals, nursing homes or in the community).
They call when they need someone and if I have the time I react tot the message and go do some extra work to compensate the hours I've lost :)!
It was really messy in my head, but when you get rid of the thoughts that are not helpful, you find the ones that are and they will give you strength to find solutions to your problems!

My first time working in a nursing home was really nice it was like practice but then getting paid hehe!
Everybody was nice!
The patients were nuns and very old, it is sad to see, so enjoy life now, because when you get old, everybody has to take care of you!
Thanks God there exist nice people as at that nursing home!

Follow your own path!! Even if it means going through the forest hehe!
And a big tip , something I read too!
When you have to choose one path or an other path?
Why choose at all?
Live the life you want too, you can have it all, it will not be easy, but why not having it all?
I love it when they say to follow your own path, to make your own path!
That is what I'm doing!
I love languages, I love nursing school and I want to be a mom with a career, why shouldn't I have it all? The big dilemma revealed!
And my languages helped me to win the book of the doctor who is helping people prevent to get colorectal cancer, because I know cyrillic!
So even in nursing my knowledge languages come in handy!

The more knowledge you have the better!
Be proud of yourself, get rid of toxic people in your life and have a lot of happy moments!
Live your life by your values!

Big kiss!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Socrates is so right! Love it!

I read this and I liked it immediately!
I marked the ones I like!

Socrates was one of the most influential philosophers of all time. His writings are not only inspirational, but they will make you question life in a very unique way.
Here are 24 Socrates quotes that will make you question life:
1) “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
My thoughts (Andrea): So true you have so much to learn!
2) “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
3) “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”
4) “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”
5) “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
My thoughts (Andrea): I heard this one before, so cool he said it! Yes we all have our own battles!

6) “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
My thoughts (Andrea): this explains a lot of things ! People who gossip are weak minds, it's a relief! Now it is clear to me :D!
7) “By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”
My thoughts (Andrea): this one is funny haha!
8) “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”
My thoughts (Andrea): nice one! Really helps me, If i'm not content with my job now, I will never be content with any job, so I need to be content and thankful for today! Thanks, nice one! Mindful!
9) “If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.
My thoughts (Andrea): WAUW SO TRUE! When my wish came true to go to Belgrade, I got everything a really good scholarship a nice apartment, and yet I was lonely at first, then I started to enjoy it. And then when I moved back to Belgium, I missed Belgrade, so yes than I got married, finally Marko and I close together, and than I missed some me-time, it so true you want to be free of change and pain, but you have to suffer to have nice times too, because nice times as nice weather can't last every day, there are rainy days and there are sunny days and they are both necessary, the rainy ones to give the plants water, and the people who use it for their toiletwater, and there are sunny days necessary but that I don't have to explain hehe!
10) “Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”
11) “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”
12) “To find yourself, think for yourself.”
13) “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
14) “Know thyself.”
15) “Let him who would move the world first move himself.”
16) “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”
My thoughts (Andrea): I told you going back to the roots with mindfulness, even he already figured it out!
17) “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
My thoughts (Andrea): Mindfulness to, let it be, don't fight your thoughts concentrate on fulfilling your dreams with your values.

18) “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.”
My thoughts (Andrea):  WAAUW feel the same way, we are all citizens of the world!!
19) “Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual.”
20) “understanding a question is half an answer”
21) “True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us”
22) “He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.”
23) “To be is to do”
24) “The mind is everything; what you think you become”
Love him so true so true!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

I love nursing! It was meant to be for me to become one!

I'm so proud that I decided to start nursing school in september 2013.
I always loved helping people with giving them medicines and care from when I was a little girl.
Someone fell then I ran to help him/her and take care of his/here wound.
So I should know it from the beginning!

But I love languages too!
So I can use my language skills to help heal more people in this world, not?
So I wanted to share this!

Because yesterday a inspiring nurse from America Donna Cardillo shared something from my blog on her page what really belongs to her. But she liked that I shared it. So it is nice!
She inspires me! She was a ER nurse, now she travels the world to inspire other nurses and giving them a positive self-image.
She really wants nurses to be happy with their job and to appreciate themselves and their profession!
So thank you!
Now people/nurses in America will  maybe read my blog, so I'm proud and happy!
I'll do my best to be myself and write nice blogs about health and everything that can make me or you happy but we have to live by our values!

And Saturday I wasn't happy, because I had some bad news!
But that is normal, now it is raining in Belgium!
So not every day can be a sunny happy day!
But I said to myself this Saturday you can be unhappy, but tomorrow is a new day!
And yesterday I was happy again, I let my body and myself mourn!

So yesterday I read the site of Donna Cardillo and it is really motivating to finish nursing school proudly!

Big kisses

Saturday, January 9, 2016

...Busy bee in 2016..Studying for nursing exams...

My dear friends,

I'm absent for a while on my blog.
I have inspiration to write, but now I'm focusing on maybe one day saving your life hehe!
I hope not, that you will live a long and healthy life!
So that is why I wish you a lot of health this new year, a lot of love and lovely memories with the people you love! And pursue your dreams, but enjoy every day that you're closer to your goal!
And live by your values of course, that is my motto, even if you're not doing what you hoped for, try to make every day a valued one. If you like helping people, help someone every day/week.
Do the things that make you happy, and not only big things but enjoy the small things, like a dinner with a good friend, or a walk with your dog, or a nice movie with your partner!
I enjoyed New Year really with my family, friends and my husband! Thank you!
It was so fun!
Happy couple in 2016!

Makes me so happy this picture

I loved celebrating New Year, because it was really a new beginning in our new house.
The living room was really not ready haha, but we made it a party room!
Everybody was in a good mood and Anita my sister was the party maker, dj and she made everybody dance! Thank you siss! Angela and Lucho were the photographs, so beautiful pictures! Thank you!
Normally I think o New Year, everybody has to celebrate it, it is commercial, and so many wasted people, annoying! But now I organized the party, and I really love when there are party in small rooms with the people who know you and love you, and you love them, then it is always a blast!
So super party! Super beginning of a New Year!

2015 I loved it, it was really a successful year, a lot of love, a lot of traveling, a lot of getting to know myself, mindfulness, the blog, my love for my family and husband, but also again appreciating and loving myself, my values and my talents!

And I'm looking forward to 2016, living in our new house, becoming a nurse, helping people, but I read don't tell your good intentions to everyone because you wan't make them true because you're thinking you are already there, okay maybe a part is true, but why shouldn't you share them?
I'm tired of hiding!
I was hiding that I studied nursing school, I was scared for the reactions, but why? It is not anyones business why you do something! If it is matches with your values just pursue it and be proud of it!
And I'm proud of it!
I'm so tired that people look down on nursing!
Maybe we're not doctors, but that doesn't mean we are dumb!
We are smart and hardworking people and caring!
We just approach medicine and people on a different way!
We spent more time looking on the needs of the person in the hospital to make their stay nice, to defend their rights, and help them heal. We help the doctors, we help the patients, and we save lives too!
And If you would see what I'm studying now for the exams, you would be very surprised and  amazed that nursing is more than only washing people!

I love nursing and healthcare so much!
I'm looking forward to become a nurse.
That is why I'm looking forward to september 2016 because then I will start I hope my nursing internship.
First I have an internship end march, beginning april in a hospital in Antwerp on psycho-geriatric.
We will see.
It is a challenge.
Nursing is a very practical job so you have to be handy!
And I discovered my secret talents!
That I'm handy, that my teacher said she would love to be my patient, that I'm doing a good job in the skilsslab!
So it's positive studying your whole life!
Life is a school! You learn every day!
So yes I'm studying now!

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Here are some nice nursing quotes and others!

Thanks for liking my site on Facebook!
Live by your values!!

My values: helping people, traveling, learning new things, carrying for other people and the nature and your health, enjoying time with your family, partner and friends!

Be who you are!

You made them feel important!

We have to know everything!

You can tell us everything!

Do your thing!

Love the job!

Helps me through the hard times!

Love you family, Marko, friends!

Know that feeling, always saying don't do that, and afterwards saying o she has the dream life!

This has a nurse to know!

This is your heart!

Amen to that!