Sunday, November 29, 2015

21 Emotions Art Therapy Can Help With

Art therapy is an incredibly basic, yet effective way to calm your emotions and thoughts. Just start drawing and painting. There are certain types of art therapy that can address certain feelings and needs. Give them a try!
When you're tired, draw flowers. Drawing flowers helps reenergize your mind and clear brain fog.
When you're angry, draw lines. Curved lines, straight lines, whatever lines you like.
When you're in pain, build a model or do a puzzle to help distract your mind.

21 Emotions Art Therapy Can Help With

When you're bored, try coloring.
When you're sad, paint a rainbow.
When you're scared, knit something to make you feel secure.
If you're worried, make a doll.
If you're feeling indignant, tear up pieces of paper and arrange them into patterns.
If you're anxious, try folding some origami.
When you're tense, draw patterns.
If you're feeling nostalgic, draw a maze.
When you're disappointed, copy a portrait or painting.
If you're confused, draw a mandala.
If you're feeling despair, draw your way out of it.
If you need strength, paint a beautiful landscape.
If you can't feel your feelings, draw a self portrait.
If you need to remember this moment, draw colored patterns.
If your mind is a mess, draw squares or honeycombs.
If you need to make a good choice, draw waves and circles.
If you're in a rut, draw some spirals.
When you need to reach a goal, draw a target.

4 Techniques To Quiet An Overthinking Mind!

This really can be useful!

4 Techniques To Quiet An Overthinking Mind

14 2852

Sometimes, my mind goes a mile a minute. It’s like I can’t stop overthinking every little thing. It’s like I’m an excited five year old from time to time. But over the years, I’ve learned to quiet my mind when I overthink things. What do I do?

1. Repeat positive, calming mantras.

Sometimes I just have to tell myself to chill out, but not in a self-hating kind of way. Usually I’ll just repeat peaceful words like “calm,” “peace,” and “tranquility.” It helps me set the stage for being calm and not overthink anything the rest of the day.

2. Meditate regularly.

Each day, I spend 15 minutes in meditation. But I do it without any kind of an agenda. I don’t sit down and force myself to clear my mind. Instead, I consider everything. I let thoughts roll through, but let them move on once they’re done. Focus on deep breathing and relax.

3. Live in the present.

When I overthink things, it’s because I’m thinking about the future. Instead of thinking about the future, I take time and think about the present and how good I really have it. Important goals go on post-it notes on my desk. They don’t belong jumbled up in my brain.

4. Get into nature.

When all else fails, I go for a camping trip. I get out in nature and let the Earth cleanse my overactive mind. Nothing like the sound of wind blowing through trees to make you chill out.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Posni keks-cookies that you can eat during the fast

Deze koekjes doen me echt denken aan vroeger tijdens kerstmis werden die altijd gemaakt zo tof!

zandkoekjes die heb ik nog op school leren maken zo lekker!
Die maak ik echt maandag hehe!
Ik heb er helemaal zin keukenprinses te zijn!

This cookies I learned to bake at school!
So nice!
I can't wait to make them!

Posni keks

Posni keks


  • 250 g šećera,
  • strugana kora limu
  • 250 g brašna,
  • ulje,
  • šećer u prahu.

    1. Zamesiti testo od šećera, brašna, strugane kore limuna, i pola šolje ulja.
    2. Testo dobro izmesiti da bude sasvim glatko.
    3. Oklagijom ga razviti na debljinu prsta, pa modlom u obliku kruga, zvezdice ili nekog drugog oblika vaditi kolačiće i slagati ih na podmazan pleh.
    4. Peći na umerenoj temperaturi da porumene.
    5. Ovi kolači treba da stoje nekoliko dana da bi bili ukusniji i mekši.
    6. Najbolje je posuti ih šećerom u prahu, pa ih slagati u metalnu kutiju za keks.
    7. Mogu se glazirati i prelivima u boji i ukrašavati na razne načine, a u svakom receptu za posne kolače, mogu da zamene posni keks koji vam je potreban za pripremu istih.

Čorba od brokolija- soup from Broccoli

Opet je vreme za Bozicni post!

Danas je poceo post! I pokusacu da pravim neka nova jela i ovo mi se bas svidja! Pa cemo da vidimo!
It is time for the Orthodox Church for the Christmas Fast.
Than I love to experiment with new recipes!
So I will post some here!
Of course if you want to know the translation let me know!

Čorba od brokolija

Čorba od brokolija


  • 300 g brokolija,
  • 1 glavica crnog luka,
  • 2 kasike ulja,
  • 2 kasike griza,
  • so,
  • biber.


  1. Propržiti na ulu sitno seckan crni luk.
  2. Kad je upržen dodati brokoli, kratko propržiti i dodati vodu skoro do vrha posude.
  3. Dodati so, biber i kuvati dok brokoli ne omekša.
  4. Tada u jednom decilitru hladne vode umutiti dve kašike griza, pa to sipati u vrelu čorbu, kuvati mešajući još minut dva.

Jim Carrey's Secret of Life - Inspiring Message to the world

It comes again to one thing!
Live in the moment, mindfulness!
Choose love, not fear!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Life is a struggle, you just need to find the right person to struggle with!

Today I watched a romantic movie "Before we go":

And I heard a really beautiful quote:

"You guys are perfect! There is no perfect. There will always be a struggle. You just have to pick who you want to struggle with."

I really liked it because my husband and I sometimes have struggles too and it is so much nicer to struggle together. You have someone to share the good and bad times with!
You support each other and understand each other! Together you're stronger!
Life is a struggle!

People also think we are perfect!
Especially at the Balkan they think we are rich. But we struggle a lot and fight for our dreams!
But they think it is obvious and easy! It isn't but it is worth it!
So let them talk and think!
You just have to accept that this is a part of life!

I love you Marko, my husband and love of my life!

I pick you to struggle with! Together we will overcome all the difficulties of life!
True love!

If what you attempt isn't a success, it isn't a bad thing! You learned from it and it will make you stronger!


Allah does not (only) belong to Islam.

"Arabic-speaking Coptic, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Maronite, evangelical, and Reformed Christians worship Allah, which is simply the word or term for God in another language. Islam does not hold a copyright to the term. In fact, Arab Christians existed before Islam appeared on the scene. Christians who worship Allah number in the millions.

Allah is equivalent to the English God, the French Dieu, or the Spanish Dios.

Terrorists may misuse the term Allah, but they cannot rob millions of their word for God.

The apostle John said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Allah, and the Word was Allah” (see John 1:1). We can join our Arab brothers and sisters in Christ who often say, “Allah be praised!"

You can read the article here!

And another one about Palestinian Christians who say Allahu Akbar too!

So we can conclude that we all believe in the same God, we just have our own word for it in our own language.

So all people who kill in the name of God, Allah, Dieu, Bog, ... are not true believers!
So not only the Islamic people have the word Allah, also Arab speaking Christian people!

We have more the same than different!
Why can we start to look to our similarities instead of to our differences?!

We need to support love, friendship, kindness, help each other and not kill each other or discriminate each other!

I support love!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kad imas zdravlje..Wanneer je gezond bent dan...When you're healthy..

Ik heb al 9 dagen tandpijn en dat is echt een hel!
Doe je best er door te komen..
Het is mijn wijsheidstand.
En als toekomstige verpleegkundige weet je, medicatie helpt, maar pff, medicatie kan u ook echt erge pijn bezorgen!
Ibuprofen zorgt voor maagpijn!
En antibiotica voor darmkrampen!
En de tandpijn ja, wat is er erger?
Echt respect voor de mensen die vechten tegen zoveel ergere ziektes en al deze symptoombestrijders ondergaan, want amaj die brengen ook een pak miserie mee!

Daarom gaat deze blog vandaag over hoe belangrijk je gezondheid wel is!
Veel mensen nemen het vanzelfsprekend en zagen over dingen zoals oh nee het regent en ja ook ik doe dat!
Maar soms moeten we er bij stil staan en blij zijn dat we onze gezondheid hebben!
Want wanneer je gezond bent, kan je het leven dat zo al zwaar is toch iets gemakkelijker aan!
Maar toch zorgt ons druk leventje vaak voor de gezondheidsproblemen.
Wij zijn zo bezig met presteren en ja weet ik veel eigenlijk met wat?
Stressen om wat?
En ja ongezonde levensstijlen!
En ook ik herval...
Maar we moeten toch proberen, elke dag is een nieuwe dag en brengt vaak nieuwe avonturen met zich mee ook al is het terug een werkdag, andere gesprekken worden gevoerd, ja misschien merk je iets anders op onderweg naar uw werk!
Dus elke dag is uniek, daarom ook is elke dag een nieuw begin, dus elke dag je wel gezond eet, is beter, dan geen!

En onlangs ging er zo'n bericht rond op facebook ivm kanker en dat deed me ook terug denken aan gezondheid!
Ik heb echt een lieve tante aan kanker verloren, het doet me echt pijn!
Ik mis haar enorm, Belgrado is niet hetzelfde zonder haar, elke zomer zit ik in ons café waar we vroeger afspraken en ja dat doet pijn dat ze er niet meer is, ook al zag ik haar maar 2x per jaar je voelt dat echt!
Oma heb ik ook aan kanker verloren, haar mis ik ook, maar zij had echt veel pijn voor de kanker aan haar benen, dus ik heb het iets gemakkelijker aanvaard, ze had ook veel gedaan in haar leven. Ik denk dat het vooral pijnlijker was voor mijn mama  om haar moeder te verliezen en de zus van oma om haar zus te verliezen..Die hebben ook geleefd, het is erg dat mensen sterven, maar ik had het toch iets gemakkelijker kunnen aanvaarden als een deel van het leven.. En mijn oma had als danseres heel de wereld rondgereisd, en heeft een kind. Enkel vind ik het jammer dat ze op het einde van haar leven zoveel afzag door haar benen, omdat ze ooit een auto-ongeluk had gehad en daar de gevolgen van droeg..
Maar het was iets gemakkelijker aanvaardbaar dan die tante...
Die had echt een zwaar leven, maar was toch altijd zo opgewekt..
Zij had gezorgd voor haar zieke ouders, echt zelfopoffering..
Maar geen kinderen, die ze wel graag had gehad, ja het leven loopt echt raar!
Maar 1 ding heb ik hieruit echt geleerd!
Familie is echt belangrijk, wees goed voor elkaar..
En ja laat niet een man in je leven je leven bepalen want dat deed die tante wel..Je moet ook je eigen dromen blijven waarmaken, ook al heb je kinderen en een man, anders ben je ongelukkig.
Natuurlijk realiseerbare dromen, en je kan met kleine doelen beginnen, en dan grotere waarmaken...
Maarjah het is niet gemakkelijk de juiste keuzes te maken in het leven!
Leef het gewoon het beste dat je kan, en geniet van elke dag, want je weet nooit wanneer het je laatste is!

En dan nog commentaar op wat er in de wereld aan het gebeuren is!
Pff waar zijn wij mensen toch met bezig?
Dieren doden
Mensen doden..
Ik weet het niet meer?
Ik wil heel graag naar mijn waarden leven, liefde voor iedereen, help iedereen..
Maar we hebben echt niet het goede voorbeeld..
Ik ben toch wat bang voor de toekomst..
We doen als leerkrachten ook ons best onze leerlingen goed op te voeden!
Maar ergens las ik als uw ouders niet goed opgevoed zijn, hoe kan jij als kind opgevoed zijn..
Nu dat kan ergens wel kloppen, maar meestal heb je ook je eigen hersenen en je moet niet zoals je ouders denken...
En wat is normaal?
Maar moorden is toch niet normaal? om geen enkele reden, zelfs niet als die persoon gemoord heeft, want zijn leven ontnemen is toch even erg?
Het is echt moeilijk!
Ik wil echt vrede in de wereld!

Dus ik las ergens ook, zolang mensen de natuur niet onder controle krijgen, er oorlogen zijn, macht, miserie, honger, gaat het Rode Kruis blijven bestaan..

En dan zag ik een goed filmpje waar wordt getoond hoe menselijk wij wel zijn!
Slangenhuid-handtassen en -laarzen
Baby zeehonden-jassen
van hout papier maken (sorteer!)
insecten doden (oke zelfs dat doe ik, sorry!!)
geld maakt mensen gek waarom bestaat het?
Zoveel eten hier, waarom is er honger in landen?

Allez het is allemaal zo onduidelijk
Wapens waarom zijn die er?

Ik denk 1 woord economie in de zin van geldzuchtige leiders in deze wereld!
En echt  zoals ik al eens had gezegd, er wordt niks geleerd vanuit de geschiedenis!

Mijn hoop/droom: world peace! Geen honger, oorlog meer! en dat we allemaal gezond zijn, en een normaal veilig leven leiden tot we op oudere leeftijd aan natuurlijke oorzaken sterven..

majah...enkel afbeeldingen:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 simple comebacks for dealing with rude people

Rude people suck, but there's no way to get around it: you're going to run into one now and then. These are 5 great ways to deal with rude people.

1. Tell them you appreciate their perspective.

When someone is being rude to you, they don't expect graciousness, or any kind of positive emotions to come at them. If anything, it'll disarm them and make them realize you appreciate different viewpoints, including theirs.

2. Thank them.

Put on a smile and say "thank you." It's a subtle way to acknowledge their rudeness and opt out of engaging them on it. It shows you're in control of your emotions.

3. Tell them they're right.

Just because someone is rude doesn't make what they have to say incorrect. If someone rudely points something out, tell them they're right. It almost always gives them pause. They expect you to argue, not concede.

4. End the conversation.

There's nothing wrong with saying a conversation with a rude person is over. You're in charge of who you talk to about what. If you're being disrespected, walk away.

5. Laugh.

Because what's funnier than laughing in the face of a rude person?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

What is happening to the world...Or it is happening all the time and we just don't notice it every day...

I really tried a few times to write something, because a lot is happening this days!
But it is very difficult to write about it, because everybody is thinking a lot of things!

What I did not like this days:
That all people changed their profile picture into the flag of Paris!
I'm sorry, but why?
Yes we should show respect and our empathy for the victims of Paris!
But the flag? I mean really entire FB!
So than people said where is the flag of Syria, or the Ukraine? 
I mean war is going on the whole time!
Please don't forget those victims!
People than realized O yes!

War is going on the day human kind set foot on this earth too bad :(!
This makes me very sad and depressed!
Because it is very difficult to keep your head above water and being happy with all the shit that is happening in the world!
I'm a thinker!
And yes I admit when people ask me when you're going to have children, I think in this world? please!
I had a period that I thought why am I alive?

But then I realized, if we start thinking like that we will let the bad guys win!
And good should survive and not the bad!
So I read other comments on internet and yes remember the people in Paris and yes come outside, don't let the fear take over!
And please remember also the other people who suffer in the world, not only in a country close to yours!
For the ones who believe, we are all children of God!
For the ones who don't, we are all human beings!
We deserve a healthy, happy, safe life!
And the reaction of the politicians isn't always so good!
I mean for the believers NO RELIGION is OKAY with WAR!
Jezus preached LOVE, PEACE!
When His tortures tortured Him, He forgave him! He said : Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing!
So please where is the war there? Nobody of the Bible fought, only the kings and politicians, but they think that is okay, but it isn't!

I even asked my husband, would you really kill someone?
I have respect for soldiers and policemen, but why do they have to kill too? I know it is out of protection, but still I had killing people, even the bad guys :'(!
That is why I'm studying nursing school, I want to help people, take care of people, not kill them!
Please stop killing each other, because even if you kill for peace, you use the same means as the bad guys to kill too!
A weapon is a weapon, there is no good reason to use it!
You are the same if you kill to protect you or your country!
But we can argue about it a lot and long time, that is what our politicians do!

I'm so sorry for everybody who is in war, and I'm so sorry for everybody who lives in a country where there is no freedom, safety, peace!
I wish I could do more for you!
I donated to the red cross, please donate!
I always give clothes away!
One day I hope I can do more!

And I really didn't like that people were accusing the refugees!
(I'm a refugee too, so this hurts me personal, but you can read my story in the other blog messages)
As I read a comment, they are running from the bad people too!
And off course the bad guys will use the refugees as the Trojan horse!
That was so predictable !
Politicians always play dumb, off course they could one day expect a hit back!
When you meddle in other countries problems, and yes they try to bring peace there or so they make us think that!
But it is not always the right approach!
But is impossible to negotiate with terrorists!
I really hope this will end!
Because with all this happening, it doesn't look that people learn from history!
We just make new bad history!
But we have to try to stay positive!
And go on with our lives!
I know if something bad happened to me God forbid, I hope my sisters and everybody goes on and lives a happy life, think sometimes about me, but don't live in fear!

And the Media isn't making it any easier !
So much fear is thanks to them!
But it is their job!

But we have to realize that every day can be the last day!
You can have a car accident, any kind of accident every single day!
So you should be thankful for every day and live it like it is your last day!
Love the people around you and spend time with them!
To the things that you love! 
Live by your values, so mindfulness is the key and answer even in this difficult time!

I will start in januari with the Mindfulness course in Mortsel, Antwerp! You can find it on act academie Mortsel !
And I realized that it really helps me!
Since July I realized I was so dark thinking about everything in the world, and I still grieve for all the wars and pain in the world, but it is better to take some action, even if it is small and live by your values!
Than it is so much easier!
So enjoy our lives, and be thankful that you're alive, and spend it with people and things you love!!

Make love, not war!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015




It seems that science is continually finding new and exciting ways that we can exceed our own  expectations and potential. For example, it turns out that your intelligence isn’t just some static IQ number that you’re stuck with forever. On the contrary, you can improve your brainpower much the same way that you can work out a muscle and make it stronger!
One great and enjoyable way to up your smarts, it seems, is to take up a hobby. You know you’ve got a bit of spare time on your hands to invest into something that you’ve always wanted to do, so here are five activities you can take up in order to pump up the muscle in your head.


There seems to be an inexhaustible list of ways that reading is good for you, from gaining more knowledge to reducing stress to just dipping out from the real world for a short time. Well, it turns out that reading makes you smarter too.
There seem to be three areas of your brain that improve with reading: crystallized intelligence, which helps you get around in the world (like riding a bike); emotional intelligence, which allows you to get in touch with your own feelings and interpret others’; and fluid intelligence, which assists in your problem-solving skills, see patterns, and come to a generalized understanding of the world.

Learn To Speak A Different Language.

So, you’ve always wanted to travel abroad, but there’s one thing that always makes you hesitate a little bit: the language barrier. Well, there’s another reason to learn a new language.
According to researchthose who speak multiple languages have better attention spans, can solve puzzles more easily, and are more adept at planning and problem solving.
Also, speaking more than one language seems to heighten your awareness of your surroundings.
Of course, there’s no substitute for immersing yourself in a community who speaks your preferred foreign language. However, most of us cannot do this. Thankfully, there are free resources at your disposal.

Learn To Play An Instrument.

By picking up a new instrument, you’ll be adding around 7 points to that IQ score, according to research. The parts of the brain that grow as a result of learning an instrument, such as those that control motor skills and hearing, also help you improve your emotional awareness, alertness, and planning ability.
Psychologist Lutz Jäncke told the Telegraph: “…not only does this make it easier to pick up other languages and have a better verbal memory in your own language, we have also seen that musicians are able to pick out exactly what others are feeling just on the tone of their voices.”
Jäncke added that the implications for the aging brain were particularly profound. ”We found that even in people over the age of 65 after four or five months of playing a instrument for an hour a week there were strong changes in the brain,” he said.


Most of us realize that exercise is the key to better health and longevity. But what about our mental states?
The Huffington Post reported that, in 60% of the population, exercise helped express a gene that releases a protein (brain derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF) thought to help with memory, learning and mental acuity.
Also, exercise makes the blood pump faster, flooding our brains with more oxygen. This also helps us with our mental sharpness.
While the science behind exercise and brainpower is still being explored, it should be obvious to anyone who exercises regularly that moving our bodies is good for our overall well-being.


The Huffington Post strikes again with this piece on writing and mental improvement. Here’s the caveat, though: writing by hand has been shown to engage your cognitive, visual, and motor skills, and also forces us to think more carefully.
Simply put, writing with one hand takes more brainpower than typing with two. However, by writing at all we become more articulate verbally and enhance our vocabularies.
When writing, it seems important to be comfortable and focused in order to produce to your absolute best ability.
This will enhance the stress-reducing nature of the writing process. Finally, perhaps you don’t know what to write about. It’s often been said that the best writers write about what they know, so start there!

 Well I have 4 out of five! I only have to learn to play an instrument hehe! We' ll see maybe one day. Piano always looked very nice to me to learn to play! Too bad I can't sing!
I love to read, I speak 5 languages, writing on paper I have to improve, I ride with the bike everyday and try to talk the stairs more.
So try it also!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tips what to do when you fail.....

Succes you don't earn by never failing, but by standing up every time again!

Try !

Explore your boundaries!

Do, do again!

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

Learn from your failures!

You need to be happy, to make others happy too!

In a good way!

If something didn't work out, doesn't mean you have failed, it means you have learned!

You will succeed!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Quote: Dr. Wayne Dyer

"My beliefs are that the truth is a truth until you organize it, and then it becomes a lie. I don't think that Jesus was teaching Christianity, Jesus was teaching kindness, love, concern, and peace. What I tell people is don't be Christian, be Christ-like. Don't be Buddhist, be Buddha-like."(1) "Religion is orthodoxy, rules and historical scriptures maintained by people over long periods of time. Generally people are raised to obey the customs and practices of that religion without question. These are customs and expectations from outside the person and do not fit my definition of spiritual."(2)

(1)"Health & Wellness Articles - Anti Aging - Fitness - Detoxification - Inspiration - Mental Health - Nutrition - Medicine - Relationships - Weight Loss - Success - Anti Aging"Retrieved June 6, 2015
(2) "There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem". Retrieved June 6, 2015.