Monday, February 13, 2017

Almost not pregnant anymore...Looking forward to it! It was a interesting and educational ride...

I just read an article online how people love to be pregnant and are even addicted to it...
Respect for those ladies, I'm obviously not one of them.

I look forward to meet our babyboy.
I'm trying everyday to be like wow finally we will meet him.
But it still looks like a dream.
Is there really a baby inside of me?

I can tell you more once I give birth, if I ever give birth haha!
My due date is 25/2 but at the last doctor's appointment, she said it will be here this week...
But nothing has happend yet, okay it is only Monday, but I'm not a very patient person!
I had some abdominal cramps, but I'm a first time mom, so then I think yes it is time, but it stops hehe!

Normally I wanted to post how grateful I really am for this experience!
Because I sound so negative.
I really I'm grateful to learn so much about myself and my body!
But it has been a tough ride!

A list here:

I thought I was fat before I was pregnant:
I now know and realize that I had a nice body, and was starving my body! I had to starve to have that body. That will change, yes I want to be healthy and lose weight, but starve myself no! Rather go to the gym some more times!

I thought I was tough and not a quitter:
If I could I would often given up so far!
I missed the alcohol
I miss my body
I miss my independence
But there is no choice! So now I realize that when you go through the hard times you survive and become an even stronger person. Now I had to keep going on, even when sometimes thought and still think IT IS ENOUGH, get out baby haha! But you just have to go on,  you have no choicee, you just have the accept ACCCEEPPTT is the key!

When you think it can't get any worse it does haha!
Got really fat because my body holds much water
Now I'm 38 weeks and 2 days and wearing my husbands sneakers haha, first I cried,  now it is funny!

I love eating!
I really enjoyed eating what came at my mind, not thinking I'm getting fat, because anyway  I'm.  I tried eating healthy, but was getting fat anyway, so FUCK IT haha eat what you want haha!

Don't always trust your doctor or what the health sites on the internet say, trust nature/God/your body!
Your body knows what it is doing!

I love feeling the baby/kicking!
Even when it hurted, it surprised me how hard you can feel the baby.
I always wondered how did women in the Middle Ages and before knew they were pregnant, now I know the answer, you don't need the ultrasounds, you just know and really feel the baby growing!

I'm grateful for all the family and friends who supported me during this period!

I love how the love for my husband and his for me has grown even more, and that is possible, because I'm already so in love with him from the first time I saw him; I knew then he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and have children with. I even said it to him... 💙💖💏

I'm looking forward to write you about birth and motherhood!
We hope the baby comes 16/2 because that is the day we met, and celebrate 6 years of love!

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