Saturday, June 17, 2017

Being a new mother: proud, breastfeeding, marks on body!

While I'm lying between my two boy's who are sleeping I write you!
Being a mother is equal to the word sacriface!
You give everything of yourself to give birth to this new special human being!
Your body and mind go through I have to call it hel in my case!
Than when you're finally happy for many reasons the baby is out, the real struggle begins!
No sleep no sleep!
We really have a great baby who sleeps at night, but the breastfeeding is so exhausting at nigt!
During the day I can handle it! But during the night I had enough! I miss my 8 hours of sleep!
Before being pregnant I was really in a bitchie mood if I hadn't slept for 8 hours straight, now with the hot nights my baby wanted to eat/drink every 2hours at night! I really don't know how I function at day at all!

Than you have the expectations of people around you, because you're so tired, moody and of course hate your postnatal body!
O go exercise or o sleep when the baby sleeps, sleep during the dat
You Are hou still breastfeedig?? You're crazy!
my baby doesn't like formula, o you should gorce him, why? It is not healthy!
In Dutch it is called "kunstvoeding" what means fake food, manufactured food! And no offence for the mothers who don't have a choice and have to feed their babies with it, it is the hardest thing and failure for a mother when she wants to breastfeeed and can't! Thank God formula excusts!
but if your baby likes your milk, people shouldn't judge if it wants no dormula or is cryong hours because of the formula! i will do my best to breastfeed him as long as I can, but I will
not force him on formula If I have enough milk and if he doesn't mikes it!

I really want time for myself, sleep and to exercise!
But not if it harms my baby, if my baby needs me it needs me!
Yes you should take vare for yourself but people should give you other options than give your baby formula than you can sleep exercise...
They should say: you are beautiful as you are, you should enjoy your baby!
You will lose the weight when your body and mind get used to being a mol!
Because being a mom is the hardes but most beautiful job in the world!
It is sacrifizing everything!!!
People should support you and not give you diet advice and exercice advice!

I hate all the tips the older generation gives!
It is nice to listen to good advice but the one giving the advice shouldn't look at you if you think otherwise!
The elder people who have a lot of kids, think they know best, but we live in an other generation!
Everything changes every year and every child is differend and

I'm with my son 24/24 -7/7 and still my mother, husband, others know it all and better, I'm his mother I'm with him the whole time I know!!!!
I know his every cry, every smile, breath! He grow inside if me!
Because you worry as A mother that you will not make a mistake, and because your tited and can't think straight anymore. You hear the crying the most, but sometimes even you get confused and yes tited!
Your husband thinks you're superwoman!
O you should take care of the child and the house, warm meals when he comes from the job!
You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you?????
You would love a hot meal waiting for you after changing zillion dipers day and night!
You don't even have time to eat properly!
I really am lucky my husband and parents help but they have choices
I have to take care of my child even when I'm dick and titeed, bevause his life deprnds on me!
He dies otherwise and that is a scary thougt!
There is no time for being selfish!
So people please give me a break!
I envie the mothers of more children, I'm exhausted of raising one!
Maybe this is the hardest part and it gets easier when he can do things himself!
I love carying for him!
I judt hate the other people judging and being the know it alls!
Leave me alone, help me or get the fuck out of my life!!!!
So for al the mothers out there!
Do your own thing!
Enjoy your baby!
And fuck what the modern world expects of you!
I'm a proud fat breastfeading super Mom!!

Love my big smile face baby Djordje!

O I missed writing!
It felt good sharing this with you!

We're baptizing Djordje soon and Iwill wear the dress that I wannt!
Don't care about my postnatal curves!
I gave birth to a new human being!
And I'm fedin it with my breast what is your superpower?????
I mean isn't it crazy what your body does!!!
And than people judge you with stupid thins!
And the dumbest part I let them even I let myself judge me!
Well no more!
I will not be depressed anymore during this beautiful part of my life!
I got rid of my pelvic instavility, my fysiotherapist traine my muscles so I can enjoy my son, grateful for it! Thank you God for making me a stronger woman, and forgive me for being so sever for myself and my body and for doubting!!!
I will enjoy the walks and everything with my son!
You should too!
You are beautiful you are a superwoman every mark left after the pregnancy on your body is like a tattoo you should be proud of and not trying to get rid of it!!

Big kiss proud mom Deya!

Writing is healing for me!
Writing while breastfeeding how cool is that!!